Hypertension: Treatment, Diagnosis and Prevention


What Is Hypertension?
Hypertension is an abnormally high blood pressure, it is a state of great psychological stress.
High blood pressure (Hypertension) is a common condition in which the long-term force of the blood against your artery walls is high enough that it may eventually cause health problems, such as heart disease.
 Hypertension is also known as high blood pressure. Blood pressure is the amount of force exerted against the walls of the arteries as blood flows through them.


What Is Hypertension?
Hypertension is an abnormally high blood pressure, it is a state of great psychological stress.
High blood pressure (Hypertension) is a common condition in which the long-term force of the blood against your artery walls is high enough that it may eventually cause health problems, such as heart disease.
 Hypertension is also known as high blood pressure. Blood pressure is the amount of force exerted against the walls of the arteries as blood flows through them.
If a person has high blood pressure it means that the walls of the arteries are receiving too much pressure repeatedly - the pressure needs to be chronically elevated for a diagnosis of hypertension to be confirmed. In medicine chronic means for a sustained period; persistent.

High blood pressure statistics

Causes of Hypertension
It is not always clear what causes high blood pressure, but several factors and conditions may increase the chances of having it. You can have high blood pressure if you are:

Underlying condition could also trigger hypertension or cause it. This type of high blood pressure is called secondary hypertension, it tends to appear suddenly and cause higher blood pressure than does primary hypertension. Condition such as these:

Symptoms/Signs of Hypertension
High blood pressure is generally a chronic condition and is often associated with few or no symptoms.
Hypertension may not produce any symptoms, even if you have had it for years. That’s why it is sometimes referred to as a "silent killer.
It is usually when blood pressure spikes suddenly and extremely enough to be considered as Hypertensive Crisis
The Symptoms of Hypertensive Crisis
As mentioned above, only when blood pressure readings 180 systolic and below 110 diastolic. that is when the symptoms could occur. Blood pressure this high is known as hypertensive crisis, and emergency medical treatment is needed.
When the reading is high person in hypertensive crisis may experience:

How to diagnose Hypertension
Blood pressure is most often measured with a device known as a sphygmomanometer, which consists of a stethoscope, arm cuff, dial, pump, and valve.
Your doctor or a specialist will usually place an inflatable arm cuff around your arm and measure your blood pressure using a pressure-measuring gauge. He will check which category out of the four categories that we have then he will know where you belong and what to recommend.

Blood pressure measurements fall into four general categories:

 Category 1: Normal blood pressure. If your blood pressure is below 120/80 mm Hg, then your blood pressure is normal.
Category 2: Prehypertension. When it ranges from 120 to 139 mm Hg or a diastolic pressure ranging from 80 to 89 mm Hg then it means you have prehypertension, which is a systolic pressure. Prehypertension tends to get worse over time.
Category 3: Stage 1 Hypertension. Stage 1 hypertension is a systolic pressure ranging from 140 to 159 mm Hg or a diastolic pressure ranging from 90 to 99 mm Hg.
Category 4: Stage 2 Hypertension. More severe hypertension, stage 2 hypertension is a systolic pressure of 160/180 mm Hg or higher or a diastolic pressure of 100 m/110m Hg or higher.

How to Prevent Hypertension
By living a healthy lifestyle, you can help keep your blood pressure in a healthy range and lower your risk for heart disease and stroke.

Treatment for Hypertension
Before you buy or take any of these drugs below consult your doctor. Self medication could be dangerous. BEWARE!!!
There are four categories of high blood pressure drug and there are:

ACE inhibitors:
ACE inhibitors work by reducing the amount of a chemical that you make in your bloodstream, called angiotensin II. This chemical tends to narrow (constrict) blood vessels. Therefore, less of this chemical causes the blood vessels to relax and widen, and so the pressure of blood within the blood vessels is reduced.
There are various types and brands of ACE inhibitors: captopril, enalapril, fosinopril, lisinopril, perindopril, quinapril, ramipril, and trandolapril. An ACE inhibitor is particularly useful if you also have heart failure or diabetes. ACE inhibitors should not be taken by people with certain types of kidney problems, people with some types of artery problems, and those who are pregnant. You will need a blood test before starting an ACE inhibitor. This will check that your kidneys are working well. The blood test is repeated within two weeks after starting the medicine, and within two weeks after any increase in dose. Then, a yearly blood test is usual.

Angiotensin-2 receptor blockers (ARBs)
ARBs work in a similar way to ACE inhibitors. They're often recommended if ACE inhibitors cause troublesome side effects.
Common examples are candesartan, irbesartan, losartan, valsartan and olmesartan.
Possible side effects include dizziness, headaches, and cold or flu-like symptoms.
Calcium channel blockers
Calcium channel blockers reduce blood pressure by widening your blood vessels.
Common examples are amlodipine, felodipine and nifedipine. Other medicines such as diltiazem and verapamil are also available. Possible side effects include headaches, swollen ankles and constipation.
Drinking grapefruit juice while taking some calcium channel blockers can increase your risk of side effects.


Water tablets (diuretics)
Sometimes known as water pills, diuretics work by flushing excess water and salt from the body through urine. They're often used if calcium channel blockers cause troublesome side effects. Common examples are indapamide and bendroflumethiazide. Possible side effects include dizziness when standing up, increased thirst, needing to go to the toilet frequently, and a rash.
Low potassium level (hypokalaemia) and low sodium level (hyponatraemia) may also be seen after long-term use.
Again, there are various types and brands of beta-blockers: acebutolol, atenolol, bisoprolol, metoprolol, oxprenolol, pindolol, propranolol, sotalol, and timolol. They work by slowing the heart rate, and reducing the force of the heart. These actions lower the blood pressure. Beta-blockers are also commonly used to treat angina, and some other conditions. You should not normally take a beta-blocker if you have asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or certain types of heart or blood vessel problems.

Generic name                         Common brand names
chlorthalidone                         Hygroton*
chlorothiazide                          Diuril*
furosemide                              Lasix*
hydrochlorothiazide              Esidrix*, Hydrodiuril*, Microzide*
indapamide                              Lozol*
metolazone                              Mykrox*, Zaroxolyn*
Potassium-sparing diuretics amiloride hydrochloride      Midamar*
spironolactone                        Aldactone*
triamterene                             Dyrenium*
Loop diuretic bumetanide                             Bumex*
Combination diuretics
amiloride hydrochloride + hydrochlorothiazide  Moduretic*
spironolactone + hydrochlorothiazide    Aldactazide*
triamterene + hydrochlorothiazide          Dyazide*, Maxzide*

All hypertension drug some side effect or the other, these are possibly side effect you may experience:
ACE inhibitors side effects:

Angiotensin receptor blockers side effects:

Calcium channel blockers side effects:

Beta-blockers side effects:

Water tablets (diuretics) side effects:


Hypertension Home Remedies/Home Cure
Chocolate / Cocoa Extract
Several studies in humans have found that eating dark chocolate or chocolate or cocoa products enriched with flavanols may slightly lower blood pressure in people with high blood pressure or pre-hypertensive people. Consuming 50g cocoa per day is associated with a 2-3mm Hg reduction in blood pressure. Further research is needed because not all human studies have found an effect.

Chocolate may affect the nitric oxide system resulting in vasodilation and lower blood pressure. It also may inhibit the angiotensin-converting enzyme. One thing to keep in mind is that chocolate also contains caffeine and sugar, among other ingredients. Large amounts of caffeine (greater than 400mg day) can increase blood pressure and the sugar content may affect blood sugar levels. More: Cocoa Extract for Heart Health.

Sip Some Hibiscus
Cultures across the world have used hibiscus to naturally manage blood pressure, but it wasn’t until the past decade that studies were actually conducted that showed there was more to the remedy than just folklore. First, hibiscus acts as a diuretic, which draws sodium from the bloodstream, thus decreasing the pressure on the arterial walls. Even more interesting is how it can mimic angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. ACE inhibitors are a common group of pharmaceutical drugs used to treat high blood pressure. They work by hampering the angiotensin-converting enzyme, which plays a crucial role in the renin-angiotensin system- a hormone system that regulates blood pressure and fluid balance. As a result of this inhibition, blood vessels relax and blood volume is lowered, decreasing blood pressure. While certainly not as potent as those ACE drugs prescribed, it can still be surprisingly effective.

-1-2 teaspoon of dried hibiscus
-1 cup of fresh, piping hot water
-Honey, lemon, or 1-2 cinnamon sticks (optional)

How to use it
Bring water to a boil and add the hibiscus and cinnamon sticks (if using them) and allow it to steep for 5 minutes. Add honey or lemon to taste, and drink 2-3 times daily. This also makes a lovely iced tea for those sticky hot summer days.

 Drink Coconut Water
Coconut water is found inside the shell of green, unripe coconuts that retains its natural benefits in organic and raw form. It contains potassium and magnesium, both of which relate to regular muscle function, and of course, the heart is a big giant muscle. While there have been some limited studies on the effect of coconut water on hypertension, many people report anecdotally that it has helped lower blood pressure. In studies, it seemed to particularly affect systolic blood pressure, or the force that takes place when the heart pumps blood away from it. If you don’t have a problem with coconut water, it may prove to be a solid remedy for you.

-8 ounces of fresh, organic coconut water
How to use it
Drink 8 ounces 1-2 times daily. Morning is ideal if you drink it once a day, while morning and night works well if you opt to drink it twice a day.

The results are mixed on whether the mineral magnesium may help lower blood pressure, with a number of studies suggesting a small but significant in a reduction in blood pressure. A 2012 meta-analysis concluded that magnesium supplementation reduced blood pressure by 2-3mmHg for diastolic blood pressure and 3-4mmHg for systolic blood pressure. Magnesium may be of particular benefit to people with high blood pressure who are deficient in magnesium and intravenous magnesium sulfate is commonly administered for preeclampsia and eclampsia in pregnancy. Further research is needed.
Garlic is one of those home remedy staples. It is rich in beneficial constituents that address a wide range of ailments, once of which happens to be hypertension. There is just one little catch though. Allicin, the organosulphur-sulfur containing- compound responsible for several of garlic’s health benefits, doesn’t fare as well in the human body when garlic is eaten raw. Allicin is relatively unstable, and is typically deactivated when it comes in contact with a substance with a pH lower than 3, such as our stomach acid. However, when taken in tablet form, there is a guaranteed allicin yield that ensures you get the proper amount to have solid results when it comes to lowering blood pressure. Be sure when getting the tablets that there is a release of allicin in a significant, standardized amount-in several studies involved with blood pressure, 1.8 milligrams per dose lowered blood pressure by 10% within 12 weeks.

Good quality garlic tablets

How to use it
Take as directed on the back of the bottle.

Melon in the Morning
Every morning, be faithful to watermelon. Often times watermelon as viewed as a strictly summer fruit, one for seed spitting contests and barbecues, but it can also help lower blood pressure. An organic compound called citrulline, an a-amino acid, was first isolated in 1914 from watermelon. Once ingested, the body can convert citrulline to the amino acid L-arginine, which is a precursor to nitric oxide. To translate, citrulline-found in watermelon- is converted into arginine-essentially a chemical building block-which leads to the production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide talks to various cells and systems in your body that regulates, among other things, how hard your blood gets pumped through your entire body-also known as vascular systematic resistance. It will widen blood vessels, which lowers vascular resistance, which ultimately lowers blood pressure. Imagine trying to pump a certain volume of liquid through a small opening versus a wider opening. The wider opening will allow it to flow smoothly and easily-it’s the same with blood cells!

-1-2 cups of fresh water melon
How to use it
Every morning eat your melon on an empty stomach. If you have a home blood pressure device, monitor yourself and observe the changes.
Vitamin D
Found naturally in fish, eggs, fortified milk and cod liver oil and produced naturally during exposure to the sun, low levels of vitamin D may have a role in developing high blood pressure.  Although research is very limited, studies note that blood pressure is often elevated when there is reduced exposure to sunlight/vitamin D (during the winter, greater distances from the equator, and dark skin pigmentation). The difference in systolic blood pressure is around 5mmHg. Learn more about Vitamin D for Health.

Complications of Hypertension
High blood pressure can also damage the walls of the arteries. With time, hypertension if not control could lead to in heart disease, kidney disease...
Aneurysm:  Increased blood pressure can cause your blood vessels to weaken and bulge, forming an aneurysm. If an aneurysm ruptures, it can be life-threatening.
Heart attack or stroke: High blood pressure can cause hardening and thickening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), which can lead to a heart attack, stroke or other complications.
Heart failure:  To pump blood against the higher pressure in your vessels, your heart muscle thickens. Eventually, the thickened muscle may have a hard time pumping enough blood to meet your body's needs, which can lead to heart failure. Weakened and narrowed blood vessels in your kidneys. This can prevent these organs from functioning normally.
Thickened, narrowed or torn blood vessels in the eyes: This can result in vision loss or blindness.
Metabolic syndrome:  This syndrome is a cluster of disorders of your body's metabolism, including increased waist circumference; high triglycerides; low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, the "good" cholesterol; high blood pressure; and high insulin levels. These conditions make you more likely to develop diabetes, heart disease and stroke.
Trouble with memory or understanding: Uncontrolled high blood pressure may also affect your ability to think, remember and learn. Trouble with memory or understanding concepts is more common in people with high blood pressure.