Nigeria Financial Info, Market Reports


I came up with this phrase when I pondered on why it is that our financial situation is still the same.

Have you ever wondered why folks that save from their salary keep saving no matter the increase, while does that overspend keep overspending no matter the pay hike or upward mobility.?

Whatever the ammount of money is involved, the outcome is the same. Those that live below their income keep living below their income. Those that live within their income keep living within their income, while those living above their income keep living above their income.

I came to the conclusion that there is a program resident in us all that processes all our cash inflows. Something akin to a program, or in the IT world, software or algorithm that manages/processes our cash flows. I setlled for the name, "Spending Systems". In short, our system of spending.

This system was programmed into us by genetic disposition, parental upbringing and environmental influences (peer pressure etc). This system can be re-programmed by us as an act of will.

Let me break it down. If it has been programed into you to save ten percent of your income after paying tithes, you are likely to run with that from your first job onwards. When this becomes a part of us, it automatically processes whatever money that comes our way, be it salary, gift, bonus, windfall etc., no matter the quantum of the inflow

Lets take John, whose spending system looks like this;

Tithe - 10%
Savings (Investment) - 10 %
Savings (Reserve) - 10 %
Savings (School Fees) - 10 %
Living Expenses - 30 %
Bills - 17.5%
Giving - 5%
Spending/Entertainment - 7.5%

Tithe - 10%
Savings (Investment) - 50 %
Savings (Reserve) - 20 %
Savings (School Fees) - 15 %
Giving - 5%

We are looking at a simplified model, without tax, to make things easy to understand.

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