Nigeria Health & Lifstyle

CELLULITE - The Reality of it

Researchers say that cellulite most probably occurs as a result of hormonal imbalance, genetic, genetics and so on. It is a complex situation in the sense that a permanent cure has not been found for it.

Cellulite affects women mostly and in rare cases men. The symptoms usually appear on the fleshy parts of the body like the buttocks, thighs, upper arms and the stomach region.

Most people consider cellulite problems as something or an issue that has to do with weight gain but it has been proven that that even athletes have been found to to suffer from cellulite. This problem therefore is no respecter of size, physical fitness or weight.

There are varied opinions as to the actual causes of cellulite, it is stated that the stages of cellulite formation begins when the tissues slow down and handicap the original processes of the lymph and circulation of blood in the capillaries of the subcutaneous tissue (tissue underneath the skin) and this usually occurs around the hips and thighs.

Excess fat in the dermis (deeper layer of the skin) places a strain in the surrounding tissues resulting to slow circulation of nutrients to the skin cells, leading to undernourishment and dehydration of the skin cells - thus the skin tissue residing around the fat cells begins to weaken and harden as well.

The more the tissue hardens and forms around the dermis, the more the nutrients and trapped fluids leaks from the weak blood vessels, forming little pools around the cells and resulting to lumpy skin surfaces indicating the presence of cellulite.

Though, as stated earlier, there is no instant cure for cellulite, there is no need to despair. The sooner you start doing something about it the better. All that is required is Consistency, dedication and determination to fight it.

The following steps will help to reduce the cellulite dimples:
1. Exercising
Excessive weight increase can trigger and cause the fat cells to swell resulting to a strain in the tissue and since sluggish circulation and swelling fat cells are the major causes of cellulite, start a healthy weight loss program by exercising at least three to four times a week for 30-45mins.
Aerobics exercises, walking, jogging will make you sweat and burn some calories and help blood circulation. It will help stimulate circulation around the troubled spot as well as the entire body, boost up metabolism and get the lymph and blood flowing.

2. Good Diet Plan
Health experts say that the key to a healthy cell is hydration, so a diet of fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as fatty fish wheat bread, nuts and eggs- These contains lecithin, essential fatty acid, that help rebuild and fortify the cells. Take a lot of water at least 8-9 glasses of water daily to help flush out toxins.

3. Lotions and creams
Where it is a mild case of cellulite, a good tissue massage with creams or lotion containing anti oxidants, natural botanical ingredient that helps decongest the tissue, will go a long way to improve the top layer of the skin. The more attention given to the area affected, the more normal the tissues will become. Thus making circulation improve immensely.

4. Dietary Supplements
Food supplements like glucosamine, multi-vitamins, mineral supplements - vitamin B complex, Soy Lecithin capsule-firm and tone dietary supplements will provide all the needed nutrients which cannot readily found in found.

Finally, if the cellulite appears to be more serious than normal, it is advisable to seek expert medical advice on how to go about proper treatment.

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