Nigeria Health & Lifstyle


There a lot of factors that causes excessive weight gain. It can be caused by change in lifestyle, diet or hereditary factors. Shedding the weight gained, has become a source of frustration for some, while others have succeeded in losing the excess gained but maintaining the new physique has become a source of worry. There is a general cliché that it is easier to gain weight than to lose it.
The in thing now is dietary/ vitamins pills, food supplements and the latest- “fad diets” (A fad diet is simply a weight loss diet that became popular often too quickly). However research has shown that most weight loss diets are hazardous to health. A low carbohydrate and high protein diet might give you the desired results on a short term basis but at the long run the side effect will definitely lead to serious health complications like Diabetes, hypertension, kidney damage, constipation to mention but a few.

Eating a variety of food means that you are more likely to get a good supply of adequate nutrients, since anything lacking in one food will be supplied in another. So instead of trusting in fad diets, you can learn how to balance your food intake. Everything the average healthy person needs can be provided by a diet containing the right amount of protein, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, minerals and vitamins, each equally essential to your well being.

What is really required is discipline, commitment to plan, knowing the right way to eat, when to eat and how to eat, if you want to lose weight the healthy way.

Here are some healthy tips on how to lose weight the healthy way without causing harm to your body.

Avoid Alcohol, Caffeine and refined sugar: Refined sugar in alcohol, soft drinks makes you gain weight, caffeinated drinks depletes vital nutrients and interferes with the brain function and dehydrates the body. Avoid foods containing lots of preservatives and addictives especially artificial sweeteners which are an extra burden on the liver. If you are desperate for sugar use a little honey.

Eat less and reduce intake of cooked food: eating small amount of food every 3-4hrs, rather than 3 huge meals a day, can help lower cholesterol and put less strain on the digestive tract and liver. It also helps to keep blood sugar on an even level. Reduce intake of red meat and sauces. Concentrated proteins and fat need more work and oxygen to break them down.

Eat Lots of Fish: particularly the oily ones, it helps to prevent heart diseases. Generally eating fish is a lot healthier than red meat. The essential oils contain fish helps the brain function properly, thins the blood and encourages weight loss too. Healthy, functioning liver helps the body to make more cholesterol. So eat lighter meals, avoid fried, barbecued and grilled foods, instead boil, steam or bake so that the food retains more enzymes which aid digestion.

Exercise: Regular exercise will stimulate the heart and ease circulation, helps burn calories; there are various exercises that are practicable and enjoyable as well. For instance you can make out time to go for a brisk walk at least 30minutes daily, jog round your neighborhood, take swimming classes at least once or twice a week. Instead of taking the elevator, use the stairs. If you can burn more calories than you consume you will definitely lose weight.

Avoid snacking between meals: If you feel like eating before or after your meal, go for fruits instead like oranges, apples, watermelon grape. Too much snacks will add unwanted calories to your daily food intake and when this accumulates, you will end up gaining unnecessary weight.

Eat lots of green vegetables: They are rich in magnesium and calcium, contain vitamins, they contain antioxidants which helps a lot to reduce the risk of colon cancer. Also increase your intake of fiber and avoid foods that will clog your colon.

Drink lots of water: Take adequate amount of water (at least 8 glasses) a day raises and maintains your metabolism in good working order. You need about a pint of fluid in between meals to get waste moving through the system successfully and for every caffeinated or alcoholic drink you take, you should drink 250ml of water to prevent dehydration.

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