Everyone would like to have that bit of extra cash in their pocket. Whether it’s for an emergency, or for saving or to buy something you’ve had your eye on, this is a good time to earn that cash. It wasn’t so long ago that we’d have to strap ourselves down to a second job to earn extra money, but today’s world is flexible, allowing you to work from almost anywhere.
So, let’s get right into it and give you 6 ways that you can start trying right now.
1. Surveys
Taking part in online surveys is a great place to start. In these surveys, you would be asked to try out products, apps, games, services, you name it! Just by giving your opinion on what you’ve tried, you can earn some serious cash without even leaving home. Paid surveys sites like Pinecone Research gives you the chance to voice your opinion on a product and also get paid for it. Once you’re accepted, you will find a variety of items to be surveyed on, and find something that suits your age bracket.
2. Run errands
If your thing is to get out more, you can help others to run their errands. Maybe you have an elderly or a busy neighbor who would appreciate it and also pay you for your help. It’s a flexible schedule and you can start having a client base for continuous cash coming in.
3. Pet sitting
For the animal lover, becoming a pet sitter has the potential to help earn you cash. Pet hotels are often too pricey for many people who for some reason have to leave their pet behind for a while. You can run a pet motel that more people can afford. But always make sure the contact info for pet owners is correct since some people might abandon their pets with you altogether.
4. Deliveries
The food takeout delivery business is usually looking to hire people. While fast food joints already have their people, lots of restaurants do not, and could use your help. You’d be using your own car, bike, motorbike or anything on wheels, and best of all none of these transports have to be in the greatest condition since you’d be transporting food and not people.
5. Recycle mobiles
Instead of hoarding, sell your old mobile and other devices to recycling companies. The better the condition the device is in, the more money you can make. Even busted devices are used for spare parts.
6. Rent out
Almost anything you own and is in good working condition and presentable can be rented be it a car, motorbike, a spare room in your house, even a tux or wedding dress. It’s a good way to make some passive income.
No get rich quick scheme
You won’t get rich overnight with these ideas, but they can provide you with some on-going cash. If you want to make cash from your home or by getting outside, both ways are available. These days, it’s much easier to earn extra money without being tied to a very strict schedule, or being physically present in the job.