
How an Adjustable Bed can benefit your Health?

Waking up tired feeling like you were run over by a train is never fun. With how many hours we have to work every day, we need to get enough rest at night to be able to function. However, getting your full eight hours of sleep every night may not be feasible; this is why it is important to make the few hours of sleep that you actually get, count. Your bed, in particular, might be negatively impacting your health. So, many people have shifted towards getting adjustable beds. If you want to get one but are unsure about it, read on to find out how adjustable beds can improve your health.

It Can Alleviate Insomnia

First things first, when we talk about beds, we usually think about sleeping better at night. Unfortunately, not all people are lucky enough to fall asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow. Some suffer from insomnia, which can be sometimes chronic and hard to treat or manage. So, such individuals can benefit greatly from adjustable beds, as they can help them fall asleep a lot easier. If you are someone who tosses and turns a lot during the night, opt for an adjustable bed to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to face the day.

It Helps With Back and Joint Aches

The most well-known merit of adjustable beds is their ability to help alleviate back and joint pain. Those who suffer from stiff joints or even chronic conditions like arthritis, which targets older people, can take advantage of this. According to the medical product reviewers at cpoe, the science behind this seemingly miraculous ability is that those special beds can be adjusted to reduce the strain on your neck, back, and joints during sleep. Adjustable beds are able to fully support your body, so you can fall asleep without worrying about waking up feeling sore.

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It Fights Indigestion

If you like having heavy meals before bedtime, then you might have experienced indigestion during nighttime. When using traditional beds and flat mattresses, you mostly lie on your back, which can constrict the movement of your bowels and digestive organs, making them work harder to process food. Adjustable beds allow you to tilt your head upwards, which alleviates this constriction and allows better digestion.

It Improves Circulation

Sleeping on a standard mattress can make your limbs feel numb after a while due to putting pressure on them. On the other hand, adjustable beds allow you to elevate your legs above heart level, helping them get enough blood flow at night. If you suffer from poor circulation in general, your doctor can recommend different ways to alter the position of your adjustable bed to enhance your circulation, which is something you cannot do with non-adjustable models. Moreover, poor circulation can also negatively impact your heart, forming clots, which can be seen in elderly patients, in particular. So, anyone who does not get enough exercise can greatly benefit from adjustable beds, as they help prevent such issues.

It Helps You Snore Less

Not only is snoring an embarrassing problem, especially If you have a partner, but it can also affect your sleep quality and make you feel tired in the morning. Sleeping straight on your back can block your airways and make you unable to breathe properly. Therefore, your body compensates for this by sending a signal to your mouth to inhale more air, causing snoring. This also happens when you have a cold and suffer from a stuffy nose. While humidifiers can marginally alleviate such symptoms, they do not offer long-term relief. To fix this problem, you can get an adjustable bed, as it allows you to alter the position of your head to keep your airways open. Also, patients who suffer from sleep apnea or asthma can greatly benefit from this option.

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It Relieves Headaches

This might sound too good to be true, but adjustable beds can actually relieve headaches if used correctly. While we do not know for sure what causes chronic headaches, scientists have pointed out that certain sleeping positions can cause them. When there is a pressure on your spine and neck, you may wake up with a nasty headache. Adjustable beds effectively support your neck and spine, thus eliminating the main causes of headaches.

Your regular bed frame and mattress do not cut it anymore. Investing in an adjustable bed can mean a world of difference. From alleviating insomnia and improving digestion to relieving headaches, the health benefits of adjustable beds are many. So, why wake up tired every morning when you can improve your lifestyle by getting an adjustable bed?

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