It is a very common misconception that people with talent are just born with it. Whether you are a football player or a virtuoso on the violin, people always assume that you were born like that and that kind of gift was just handed to you. True, some are born with a little more talent than others, but the fact is, most of the people you admire got there through hard work and a lot of practice. Take singing, for example. Anybody can sing –– quite literally anybody. No matter how poor you think your voice is, all it needs is some practice. You might not be a tenor/soprano, but you definitely can sing a tune with enough practice. And the best part is you don’t even need classes to get there.
Here’s how you can improve without singing lessons.
Find your own range
It is important when you’re first starting out to know just how good/bad you are, so you could later on find your range, which we’ll get to in a bit. So, you can start by recording your own voice, so you can form a clear idea on what needs work. Use apps or microphones that won’t auto-tune or alter your tone in any way, because you need to hear your voice as it actually is to find areas that need improvement. It helps if you find a practice spot where nobody else can hear you, because who feels comfortable singing in front of others at that point?
This is a very important practice because it will help you find your own range, which is quite essential if you want to do this professionally or even stand out on an amateur level. There are a lot of good singers out there who can hit the right notes with precision and elegance, but only a few are memorable enough, and that is because they don’t copy anyone else’s style but rather have their own.
You’ll find that pianists, violinists, and any other musicians warm up before they get to business with their instrument, and you need to do the same with your own –– your voice. Most singing teachers will really stress the importance of warming up before trying to sing, because it is that important. It can help you improve the quality of your tone and your ability to hit the higher tones, as well as just how long you can keep singing. You wouldn’t hit the gym and try to bench press without a few pushups first, would you?
Sing with friends

Once you’ve started gaining a bit more confidence with your voice and you’re feeling comfortable singing, you should try singing in front of and with friends. It’s quite inspiring and it would significantly boost your confidence even further. There’s nothing quite like karaoke singing with loved ones, and it’s a fun activity that everyone can enjoy. The trick is in finding the right Karaoke hits that would complement your style and tone rather than hinder them. That way you can sing your favorite songs in front of close friends who would probably give you some constructive feedback.
Practice breathing techniques
Breathing is extremely critical when it comes to how well you would sing, but it’s not the normal kind of breathing you regularly do. There are some special techniques that you are going to need to practice regularly because you need a good pair of lungs to sing well. It does take time and practice, but with plenty of both, you can definitely make it. Be sure to research the necessary techniques, though, because different kinds of singing require different breathing techniques.
Relax your throat and tongue
When it comes to singing, it’s all in the throat and how well you can control yours. You need to expand your range and try to hit higher notes, and that means relaxing your larynx and trying to widen the throat as much as possible. This is important because doing so releases tension in your throat, allowing you to have a richer tone and hit those notes you need. You should also relax your tongue because it can significantly hinder your singing –– when the root of the tongue is tight, it can constrict your throat and affect your voice, making it sound strained and forced. The optimum position of the tongue is having its tip touch the lower row of teeth, and you need to stretch it out and say ‘ah’ as a warm-up exercise before singing, too.
Practice your stance
There is a reason why opera singers always sing standing up –– you can’t hit those ridiculously high notes sitting down or chilling on the couch. Stance is quite important when it comes to trying to improve as a singer, and it needs practice, too. Your feet need to be firmly placed on the ground with your back straight and shoulders back. The chin should be up as you try to hit those high notes as well, and you’ll notice a huge difference as you try these techniques.
Don’t sing over other voices
A mistake a lot of beginners do is try to sing over their favorite songs, which isn’t really a good idea because you will never be able to hear your voice. Trying to copy your favorite singers’ technique is good and it will help you find your own, but you need to do it while practicing alone, not with them singing in the background.
Be confident
Believe it or not, confidence is one of the most important steps to improving your singing abilities. You don’t find many professional singers slouching or fidgeting on stage for a reason. Having that confidence and belief inside of you helps you find your proper stance and hit those notes like there’s no tomorrow. It is quite possible to get a lot better at singing without lessons, but it is not easy either. You need to invest the time and effort needed to get there, and you’ll need plenty of both. The end result of singing on stage, no matter how small, is definitely worth it.