
Signs you are not over your ex even though you think you are

It’s one thing to say that you are over your ex, but it’s another to actually be over them. But you know what they say, there’s a thin line between love and hate.

Moving on can be hard, but the first step is to actually admit that you are not over it. Here are ten signs that you are not really over your ex:

You shade their new partner

If you are not over your ex, you will have no qualms shading their new partner or husband. You get angry when they post the pictures of their new lover because you want it to be you displayed to the whole world.

You speak badly about them

It is not good to speak badly about your ex even if they cheated. At one point, that person was everything to you and bad mouthing them only reflects who you are as well as your choice of partner. To be frank, it makes you look bad.

You aren’t happy that they are happy

When you are not over your ex, if you see that they get into a new relationship, you are not happy for them. In most cases, you say that their new partner isn’t attractive or you find another way to make them look like less of a person than you are.

You don’t like to hear their name

You can’t even stand the sound of their name without getting sad or upset. Just hearing their name brings memories rushing into your mind and in turn triggers your rash emotions.

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You have disassociated yourself from the people you knew in common

You are unable to associate yourself with his family and friends. Most times, the people we meet through our ex will only preserve the memories you two shared together and remind you of them when they see you. If you are not over your ex, this is hard to overcome. When you are over your ex, you don’t have any problem talking to or being around those people.

You are not open to new relationship opportunities

You are completely turned off by the thought of another relationship. You ignore the people who hit on you. Some might argue, but I think holding yourself back from the opportunity to date again is a way of saying, “just in case they come back.”

You compare the potential of a new relationship to your past relationship

Not only are you not open to talking to that beautiful person who hit on you earlier, but you are bitter and negative about the thought of a new relationship simply based on the results of your last one. Every chance you get, you justify your reasons for why you won’t get into anything new by comparing it to things that happened with your ex.

You constantly verbalize that you are over them

The only person who believes you when you say that you are over your ex is you. If you were really over your ex, your actions would say that for you. No one would question it and you definitely wouldn’t have to tell anybody that you’re over them.

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You can’t see yourself being friends with them—ever

Being friends with your ex is not a bad thing. In fact, when you are truly over your ex, it’s a good thing to be friends with them. If you cannot fathom being friends with your ex at all, it’s safe to say that your heart is still healing.

If they still bring about ill feelings for you, your heart has not yet coped with the fact that you two aren’t together anymore.

If you are experiencing any of the above signs, just give it time. You can get over them. It will take some time, but I promise you it’s possible. Hang in there!

You try to turn others against them

When you are not over your ex, you work overtime to convince the rest of the world that he or she is a terrible person. When you have truly washed your hands of a person, you could care less what others think of them.

You cyber stalk them daily

You know exactly what I’m talking about. They are the first name in your recent searches on all of your social media platforms. You don’t check in on them though. You never reach out to them, but you keep up with their every move–or post. You hiss when you see their posts and even wish them ill sometimes.

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