The best way to start your day
Recently I happened to visit this site by some referral and since then I’m one of their regular members. Newdailyjokes not only sends you humorous, short and crisp jokes on a daily basis but also follow the proper E-mail etiquettes for a joke that make the readers so engrossed that it slowly becomes an addiction. I’ve found the daily content so useful that my starts to the day have become kick-starts and I stay happier.
One can find jokes from all categories starting from kiddies versions to some real youthful pills. My excitement has grown to such an extent that sometimes I wake up earlier than their morning mail. I remember the recent Obama jokes that were posted on this site. I kept on laughing throughout the day and recited modified versions of the same for all my peers. Wow! I’ve still got that smile while I’m describing my feelings.
Even if you don’t want to subscribe to their fun-stuff, a 5-minute peek into their site would make your day. The site is loaded with fresh and humorous content daily that you cannot avoid your share of laugh-pill. There was some movie called Ghajini from INDIA that happened to be the remake of Memento, a Hollywood movie based on short term memory loss.
The jokes used that concept so wonderfully that you cannot miss their daily Ghajini-Sutra. One of the humors quoted as “Why did Ghajini make so much Body?” Guess what could have been the answer. “He used to exercise all 24 hours a day because he used to forget whether he has done it or now. “
This site knows how to make those pretty dimples. It is a normal situation with many of us that whenever we have to remember a joke, either we won’t remember a single one or we would pretend since we are bad at telling jokes. Once you start reading the content, I bet this habit would fade away pretty soon.
The jokes are crafted wonderfully well in a blend of humor, intense mischief and short vocabulary that they create a direct impact and it simply becomes impossible to forget such a hilarious event.
From great politicians to Hollywood celebrities, sports stars to common men, the domains covered by this site are so huge, that everyone finds a piece of cake as per his/her taste. My friend had to give an introduction speech to introduce the New Dean of the college and he got all his ideas from the modified versions of Obama’s speech from this Newdailyjokes. Though it was a bit sarcastic, but even Dean couldn’t hide his hearty-laugh and hugged him when he came on stage.
Believe me this site has one of the best humorous contents I’ve seen. So if you wish to start the day with a smile or ease away someone’s worries by cracking a crisp joke, this site is always there for you.
The beauty of the world has two edges, one of humorous laughter, one of anguish, cutting the heart asunder. So stay with the laughter and make someone’s day.