Novel Suite No.75 Shaka Rd, behind Tadow House, 930103, Jos. +234 0806 075 7842 Hotels and Guest Houses
The Kramius Luxury Inn. Rayfield Rd, 930103, behind Saint Finbarr's Catholic Church , 930103, Jos. +234 0903 376 6643 Hotels and Guest Houses
Elim Top Suites 01 Golf Course Road, Mai-Adiku Rayfield 930103, Jos 234 0701 992 7898 Hotels and Guest Houses
Silk Suites 1 Davou Mang Street, Diye Mbei, Zaramaganda, Jos 234 0904 469 5244 Hotels and Guest Houses
The Kramius Luxury Inn Lotiri Street, Rayfield Rd, behind Saint Finbarr's Catholic Church, 930103, Jos. +234 0903 376 6643 Hotels and Guest Houses
Hatfield Hotel and Suites. Quaters, 9 Thomas Didel drive Millionaires, Jos +234 0912 979 4736 Hotels and Guest Houses
Qualer Apartment & Hotels. No.3, st. Monica Close, Rantya Rd, Lowcost, Jos +234 0701 793 7386 Hotels and Guest Houses
Sharna Place 9, Sharna Close, Near University of Jos, Angwan Rukuba +234 0816 781 4105 Hotels and Guest Houses