We are investors owned and operated auto repair facility. We were established in 2007 in the FCT, Abuja. Our highly skilled Automotive Service Excellence and Experienced technicians at Jetro Auto Specialist employ today’s latest automotive technology and are equipped to handle all major and minor auto repair services on foreign and domestic vehicles.

CHECK YOUR BELTS At the front of your engine there will be a series of rubber drive belts that loop around various pulleys, driving everything from the alternator to the a/c compressor. Rubber perishes, more so in extreme conditions like those found in an operating engine bay. Get your timing belt and accessory drive belt checked every 25,000 miles, preferably replacing it every 50,000 miles. See the Fuel and Engine bible for information on interference engines and why checking your timing belts is a necessity, not a luxury: arrow Interference engines

Check your tyre pressures regularly – once a week is ideal. Bad tyre pressures can affect fuel economy very noticeably. It’s easy to do and there is no excuse not to arrow Checking your tyre pressure

Auto Specialists
Our goal is to improve the longevity of every vehicle we bring into the workshop and to guide our clients through a lasting enjoyment of their investment. So many vehicles develop problems due to Lack of Maintenance or the Wrong Maintenance…

Auto Services
A vehicle that needs car repairs or servicing can be a hazard on the road – for you and others. We provide comprehensive service ranging from oil changes to complex diagnostics;

  • Tune ups
  • Wheel Alignment
  • Engine Repair
  • Smog & Emissions Testing
  • Tire Service
  • Belt and Hose Replacement
  • Diesel Service and Repair
  • Fuel Injection Service
  • Transmission
  • Suspension and Shock Repair
  • Cooling System Flush
  • Preventative Maintenance
  • Air Conditioning Service
  • Exhaust System  etc

Working Days
Monday: 08:00am – 5:00pm
Tuesday: 08:00am – 5:00pm
Wednesday: 08:00am – 5:00pm
Thursday: 08:00am – 5:00pm
Friday: 08:00am – 5:00pm
SATURDAY: 08:00am – 12:00pm

Service & integrity
With ownership and management sourced from a strong customer and service delivery background, at Jetro it’s not just about fixing cars. For us, it’s about serving you – right from that phone call and scheduling the work, to providing updates and an explanation of the car servicing and repair work.
We will also provide a breakdown of all costs so that you know you are being charged a fair price.