The Federal Executive Council approved the establishment of the Nigeria Integrated Water Resources Management Commission (NIWRMC) in May 2007. The Commission is essentially to assist the Honourable Minister for Water Resources to regulate and control the rights by all persons to develop and use water resources shared by more than one state.

The Commission has three key distinct roles:
– Definition of standards;
– Regulation of water resources development and
– Water Resources Planning and Management.

Commission has the following functions key among which are:

  1. Implement regulatory policies on activities relating to the development of water resources in Nigeria;
  2. Be responsible for economic and technical regulation of all aspects of water resources exploitation and provision (construction, operation, maintenance and tariffs) of public and private water resources infrastructure;
  3. Ensure the safety and quality of water resources development and public water services by regulating standards for execution and performance;
  4. Issue water resources licenses in accordance with the provisions of the Act;
  5. Monitor the conduct of holders of the licenses and to enforce the conditions included in the licenses;
  6. Monitor and report to the Minister charges paid by consumers, the performance of licensees and other persons in meeting the standards developed under the Act;
  7. Liaise with relevant agencies to conduct studies and surveys for the purpose of establishing water resources balance, catchment management plans and water efficiency strategies;
  8. Interact and consult with approved local and international organizations engaged in Integrated Water Resources Management and liaison with other relevant Agencies to determine Nigeria’s input into the setting of international technical standards for Water Resources development within the provision of this Act;
  9. Receive and investigate complaints from licensees, developers, consumers and other persons in the Water Resources sector;
  10. Protect consumers from unfair practices of licensees and other persons in the supply of Water Resources services and facilities;
  11. Facilitate technical assistance in all aspects of Integrated Water Resources Management;
  12. Perform such other functions which in the opinion of the Commission are required for the purpose of achieving its objectives under this Act including any of the functions of the Minister as contained in the Water Act, which the Minister may delegate to it from time to time.

Nigeria Integrated Water Resources Management Commission
Nafisah Plaza,
Plot 502 Abogo Langema Street,
off Constitution Avenue Road,
Central Business District,
Abuja, FCT
Tel: +234 (0) 805 6667954