
Who Really Uses Legal Steroids

Steroids come in two different varieties with various effects in the body. It includes the Anabolic steroid for muscle building and corticosteroids for swelling reduction and damping of the overactive immune systems. Anabolic steroid is a legal steroid that is commonly used to enhance strength through sports and bodybuilding. They are group C class of medication that is mainly prescribed by pharmacists, and it is also legal for personal usage.

The typical group of people using steroids include bodybuilders, swimmers, cricketers, track field athletes, wrestlers, and baseball or football players. For instance, football players use it for strength and size purposes; swimmers use it for endurance purposes whereas others use it for muscle building.

What makes up anabolic steroid?

They are made up of progesterone and testosterone for anabolism and androgyny purposes, but prolonged usage of this steroid may lead to addiction. If its response after use is positive, the users tend to use more of the steroids with time. Its withdrawal may lead to symptoms such as low sex drive, aggression, lack of appetite, restlessness, craving for more steroids and so on.

Steroid user’s profile

The media believe that most people using steroids are “uneducated,” but from research done in 1998, most of steroids users researched more about the drug compared to any other controlled substance. That means that the users are quite diverse when it comes to the steroids.

  • Less than 1% of college and high school students use anabolic steroids. But the percentage has increased in recent years due to peer pressure, high-school pressures, and low self-esteem due to adolescence.
  • Another study shows that anabolic steroids usage is common in heterosexual men of a median age of 25 years who use the drug for cosmetic purposes. In a survey conducted, 78.4% of the anabolic steroid users were non-athletes, bodybuilders, and non-competitive.
  • In the agricultural sector, farmers tend to use steroids on larger animals to raise them, earn more money, and produce higher yields.
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Medical Usage of anabolic steroids

Steroids usage are mainly for medicinal purposes. They are therapeutically applied for a therapeutic target to induce male puberty, chronic treatments, appetite, and for stimulation of bone growth. Also, they use for the treatment of late puberty, itchiness caused by primary obstruction, and impotence. Ideally, the most common types of medications known by various institutions by use of steroids include hormone regulation, Arthritis, Anemia, cystic acne, and post-surgery weight gain. Those are their typical usage, but some prefer for bodybuilding and athletics.

Control usage of steroids

Proper diet, prescribed steroids and rest results to good physical and mental health and defends your body from being affected by most side effects like being addictive to the steroids. Even though some have great bodies without steroids, more info here proves that its supplementation yields better results too. It is therefore advisable to seek for steroids prescription from a physician before use.

Steroids can be used legally but are only preferred through a prescription from a doctor or specialist since it can as well have some side effects on the human body. Although people from various fields use steroids, medicinal use of steroids is justified thus should not be used in excess.

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