Four Nigerians (Marvellous Iheukwumere, Khadijah Suleman, Idara Otu, and Eno Umoh) across the diaspora have come together to host Nigeria’s first ever free SPORT X STEM Camp in Lagos, Nigeria on December 19-20, 2019. Fueled by their passion for Nigeria and empowering its young people, they are providing this camp through their organizations, Gear ‘Em Up, Let Girls Read, Run, Grow, and Global Air Drone Academy. The camp will host 50 11-15 year old boys and girls from Lagos, Nigeria and will feature Basketball Skills Training, Soccer Skills Training, Track & Field Skills Training, Nutrition, Personal Development, and Drone Racing & Building. The quartet is hopeful that through the camp, young people in Nigeria will be inspired to play sports and get an introduction to the many opportunities that exist in STEM through the drone activity. Learn more about the camp on sportxstem.org.
Date: Thursday, December 19th and Friday December 20th
Venue: Upbeat Recreation Centre 11, Admiralty Road, Lagos

Stay connected with the camp organizations on these platforms:Gear ‘Em Up
Khadijah Suleman/Marvellous Iheukwumere
- E: [email protected]
- W gearemup.org
- IG: @gear_emup
Let Girls Read, Run, Grow (LGRRG)
Idara Otu
- E: [email protected]
- W: letgirlsreadrungrow.org
- IG: @letgirlsreadrungrow
Global Air Drone Academy
Eno Umoh
- E: [email protected]
- W: globalairdroneacademy.org
- IG: @globalairdroneacdmy