
4 Effective ways to make money online

Thanks to technology’s ‘ever-pervading permeation’ into every part of our lives and society, there are now ways to make money online, aside the traditional and conventional ways. Jumia Travel, the leading online travel agency, shares 4 effective ways to make money online.

Doing Freelance Work

You can pick up on some online freelance work to help you make money online, all you need to have is a skill to sell for freelance work. If you are writer, web designer or you have any other sellable skill, you can begin to sell your skill right away on social media platforms etc. If you don’t have a sellable skill, you can pick one up and develop on it till you become very good at it. Aside social media platforms, there are also many ‘freelance marketplaces’ online that you can take advantage of. These marketplaces are all designed with the aim of providing you with a place to sell your services and provide clients with a place to find good quality freelancers.


This is a common way of making money online and basically involves setting up a blog, keeping it regularly updated with content relevant to your intended audience and sticking with it until you are able to gain a regular readership base. Once you are able to gain a regular readership base, you’ll be able to monetize the blog. One way of monetizing your blog includes the use Google Adsense for standard advert rates. Also, as your blog grows you are more likely to be approached by companies and brands looking to advertise their products or services and do publicity through your blog, and of course you are free to charge them for this. After a while, running your own blog will become financially beneficially to you and well worth your time.

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Affiliate Marketing

Here you don’t need to have a product before you can earn because there are a lot of products already available for you to market or promote, and you get a commission for every sale made through your link. You can consider sites like clickbank.com or amazon.com to sell these products or services. There are of course other legitimate sites you can consider, you only need to do your research. In addition, if you can afford it, you can also buy a website, work on improving the SEO for the website and use it to promote thousands of products.

Sell Photos Online

If you’re into photography, and you have cache of nice photos, you can consider selling them through sites like Shutterstock and iStockPhoto, which are two of the biggest photo resources online. All of you need to do is proper research to find out the terms and conditions guiding the use of these sites, and also their terms of payment. The competition on these sites might be stiff, but if you believe your pictures are very good, then with creativity and persistence, you’ll eventually succeed with them.


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