
How to relax after a hard day at work.

When you get home after a hard day at work, it can be pretty difficult to relax. Your mind is racing, your body is tense, and you will struggle to switch off. Fortunately, there are some tried-and-tested methods of calming down.

Breathe deeply

Take some time to sit in a comfortable position with your feet up, shoulders relaxed and hands resting on your legs. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths through the nose, breathing out through the mouth. Focus on relaxing every muscle in your body (including the jaw).


Phone a friend

If you’re feeling stressed, it can be difficult to focus on anything other than your problems. Call a friend and talk them through how you feel – they may be able to offer advice or simply help you get things in perspective by pointing out that “it’s not the end of the world”.


Have a picnic

A picnic is a perfect way to wind down after a hard day at work. Pack up some food, drinks, and all of your favorite snacks, then head off to a secluded spot in the sunshine with great views. You’ll not only have lots of tasty treats to enjoy but you’ll also be surrounded by nature – this can help calm you down and put everything back into perspective.


Find your relaxing hobby

Having a hobby that you can lose yourself in when you’re stressed is a great way to restore peace. It can be anything from gardening to playing casino games at Lucky Nugget. If you don’t have a relaxing hobby, make a list of things you’d like to try and give them a go.

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Give yourself a sleep edge

A ‘sleep edge’ is the point where you start to feel drowsy. It’s that time of the evening when you could easily fall asleep. For some people, this comes earlier than for others, so it’s a good idea to experiment with different times of day to find your individual sleep edge. Your brain will associate this time as being ‘the moment when you get ready for bed’ so it will help your body switch off.



Going for a run, lifting weights, or practicing yoga can all be great ways to let off steam. The endorphins that exercise releases will also help put you in a good mood and release tension. Exercise is a great way to reduce stress – do it regularly to make a real difference.


Get out in nature

Being in the natural world has numerous benefits for your well-being. Spending time outside can help you to relax, as well as boost your immune system, and even improve concentration. Being surrounded by trees has been shown to reduce stress levels so make time for some woodland walks or visits to the beach whenever you can.


Write a to-do list

Writing a to-do list is great for getting things off your mind. When you start writing, it can help you organize your thoughts and push the most important things to the top of the list. Completing tasks will also make you feel happier and more in control – everyone likes checking things off their list!.

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