It is inevitable for any wound to leave a scar once it heals. The scar will eventually fade, but it may take some time to do so. Fortunately, there are already natural solutions that can speed up scar fading. In line with this, below is a list of scars that fade naturally, as well as how you can speed up that process.
Contracture scars
Contracture scars are often due to skin burns, causing the skin to contract. These types of the scar can become painful, especially if left untreated. This is because they can affect the muscles, as well as the nerves right underneath the epidermis. As a result, there can be reduced mobility in the area of injury. Onion extracts are known to greatly improve contracture scars for as fast as a month starting from first use.
Keloids are often raised, with size often larger than the original wound. There are keloids that are noticeably lighter, and there are also those which are darker. Use a scar cream for kids if your child is prone to keloids because the earlier you treat a keloid, the less visible it will become as your child grows older. Rest assured that scar creams are often safe for kids, and even toddlers and babies.
Hypertrophic scars
Hypertrophic scars are just like keloids that are raised. However, these often only occur on the site of the injury and don’t get any bigger than the wound. These can be sometimes itchy or painful, which is a good indication that the wound is healing. It completely fades as soon as the skin is completely healed, but this may take years. You can use silicone sheets and gel to hasten the healing and fading of hypertrophic scars and you can get these topical solutions even without a prescription.
Atrophic scars
In contrast to keloids and hypertrophic scars, atrophic scars are not raised. Rather, they appear as dents on the skin that results because of the damage done to the collagen of the skin. Atrophic scars are common after the chickenpox or an acne breakout. There are chemical exfoliators that are specifically designed to improve the appearance of atrophic scars, with stronger peels being more effective but should be done under a doctor’s supervision.
Widespread scars
Widespread scars are also referred to as stretched scars, which commonly occur after surgery. Widespread scars result from a surgical incision that becomes wider. While these scars can be flat, pale, and unnoticeable, it is important to treat them too to avoid any form of infection.
To wrap things up, there are different types of scars and one method to aid in the speedy fading of one may not be effective for another. Perhaps, you need to look into different solutions before finding the right one that will work for you. Nevertheless, keep in mind that scars are not entirely bad to look at, rather, think of them as reminders of the battles you had conquered, that left you wounded, but stronger.