
Telecommuting: 79% of Employees Believe more Flexible Schedule Increases Job Loyalty.

The pandemic has acted as a catalyst for both telecommuting and remote work. From 2019 to 2021, the number of employees working from home at least part of the time tripled from 5.7% to 17.9%, going from approximately 9 million to around 27.6 million people. 

Key insights:

  • 79% of employees said they would be more loyal if an employer allowed for a more flexible schedule
  • The average business can save up to $11,000 per year by switching to a hybrid work model
  • 47% of businesses say they’ve noticed an increase in productivity amongst remote working employees
  • Remote employees have more job satisfaction (90%) than those commuting to work
  • One third of survey respondents said they would take a pay cut of up to 5% in exchange for the option to work remotely at least some of the time; a quarter would take a 10% pay cut; and 20% would take an even greater cut.
Key Telecommuting and Work From Home Statistics 2022

Telecommuting is the act of working remotely via telephone, email, or internet, while remote work involves working from any location but the office, regardless of whether employees are digitally connected or not.

As 78% of CEOs say remote collaboration is here to stay, statistical evidence suggests that businesses embracing telecommuting and remote working strategies could experience an increase in employee job loyalty and productivity levels.

Key Telecommuting and Work From Home Statistics 2022’s latest report on remote working highlights 79% of employees said they would be more loyal if an employer allowed for a more flexible schedule, 47% of businesses say they’ve noticed an increase in productivity amongst remote working employees, 30% of employees told researchers they were more productive and engaged while working remotely, and performance even boosted 22% when employees were allowed to work from home.

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Other key findings show telecommuting and remote working business models as having significant benefits on employee happiness, loyalty and job satisfaction.


Employees that work from home were found to be more optimistic about work (89%) than those working in the office (77%) and they experienced greater job satisfaction at 90% than those commuting to work at 82%.

Key Telecommuting and Work From Home Statistics 2022 Expert Advice on How to Maintain Work from Home Productivity:

“Digital tools such as VoIP phones and web conferencing platforms help to make staying in touch with remote workers easy, while still allowing for flexible work schedules. Celebrating employee success with a simple shoutout system on Slack helps to make remote workers feel appreciated for their work, which can go a long way in encouraging productivity across your business.” – Conor Cawley, Lead Writer for



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