Faculty of Social and Management Sciences
Faculty of Social and Management Sciences
Faculty of Social and Management Sciences
Faculty of Social and Management Sciences

To rank among the best citadels of learning in the world with excellence in learning, research and community service.

To provide a conducive atmosphere for teaching, learning, research and rapid development in order to transform the hitherto, untapped, abundant unskilled, human resources in Ebonyi state into skilled power.

The goals and objectives of Ebonyi state University are consistent with the objectives of the National Policy on Education, particularly Higher Education on Nigeria as enunciated by Decree No.16 of 1985. The law establishing Ebonyi State University (Law No. 7 of 1999) stated the objectives of Ebonyi State University as follows:

1. To encourage the advancement of learning in Ebonyi State of Nigeria in particular and Nigeria in general and to hold out to all persons, without distinction as to race, creed or sex, the opportunity of acquiring higher education

2. To provide facilities (as its resources permit) and to make it avaliable for the pursuit of learning, especially such facilities that would give training that has concrete relevance to the needs of our society.

3. To foster the spirit of creativity, inventiveness, resourcefulness and patriotism.

4. To encourage and promote scholarship and conduct research in all fields of learning and human endeavor;

5. To relate its activities to the social, cultural and economic needs of the people of Nigeria in particular and the world in general.