Environmental Health Officers Registration Council of Nigeria (EHORECON) is an agency under the federal ministry of environment charged with the responsibility of regulating Environmental Health profession in Nigeria.
- Determining what standards of knowledge and skill are to be attained by persons seeking to become members of the profession of Environmental Health and improving those standards from time to time as circumstances may permit
- Securing in accordance with the provisions of this Act the establishment and maintenance of a register of persons registered under this Act as members of the profession and the publication from time to time of lists of those persons
- conducting examinations in the profession and awarding certificates or diplomas to successful candidates as appropriate and for such purpose
- performing the other functions conferred on the council by this act.
Head Office
No 15 M.L. Wushishi Cresent,
Off Okonjo Iweala Way, Utako,
PMB 627 Garki, Abuja, 900001.