Computer Engineering
Civil Engineering
Computer Science
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Department of Mechatronics Engineering
Department of Geophysics
Department of Mathematics
Department of Microbiology
Department of Geology
Department of Food Science and Technology
Department of Psychology
Department of Economics
Department of Biochemistry
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension
Department of Animal Science
Department of Industrial Chemistry
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Physics
Department of Soil Science
Department of Sociology
Mechanical Engineering
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Department of Computer Science
Department of Mechatronics
Department of Plant Science
Department of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Science
Department of Biotechnology
Department of Sociology and Anthropology


The Federal University, Oye-Ekiti aspires to become an institution of first choice recognized for providing critical opportunities for student success; acknowledged as a primary and engaged regional and global resource for entrepreneurial educational and best practices in mining and farming technology; and valued as a university where there are faculty, students, and professional staff who are active in integrating cutting-edge technology in multidisciplinary and disciplinary research.


To advance the community of learning by engaging in scientific research, humanistic scholarship, multidisciplinary research entrepreneurship and technological integration.

To provide a robust and high quality educational experience for students in a diverse learning environment while promoting the values and indigenous learning that is responsive to the needs of our society.

To create an institution that values and prepares students to lead lives of personal integrity and civic responsibility in a global society.

To prepare the next generations of skilled and ethical professionals by providing robust curricula across and within disciplines that prepares graduates to be research minded and able to compete effectively in diverse world market.

To create learning opportunity for faculty to meet their personal and institutional growth needs, and

To advance best practices in farming and mining, foster economic development activities that are innovative, research-driven, and will result in a better quality of life for Nigerians.