The Lagos State Internal Revenue Service (LIRS) reminded its esteemed taxpayers, businesses and employers of labour of their statutory obligation to file annual income tax returns pursuant to section 81 (2) of the Personal Income Tax Act (PITA) Cap P8 LFN 2004 (as amended). The Act stipulates January 31, as the deadline for filing of annual income tax returns, failing which penalty accrues.
The Executive Chairman of Lagos State Internal Revenue Service, Mr. Ayodele Subair, urged all businesses and employers of labour resident within Lagos State to file their annual income tax returns on or before January 31, 2022 to avoid payment of penalties or other statutory sanctions.
“The only available platform for filing of annual income tax returns in Lagos State is the LIRS e-Tax portal: The e-Tax portal is built for the convenience of taxpayers, is easy, convenient and safe. All businesses and employers of labor are advised to use the e-Tax portal to file their returns.
Taxpayer ID of all employees is compulsory for the annual income tax returns to be successfully filed on the e-Tax portal. Therefore, all employees and taxable persons within the state are advised to generate a taxpayer ID (where applicable) and file their individual annual income tax returns on the e-Tax portal.” He saidIn line with the agency’s quest to ease compliance obligations for taxpayers, it has designated some staff at various offices to assist taxpayers with the use of the e-Tax portal and other filing related issues.