A new online portal designed as a one stop shop for Micro, Small and Medium scale enterprises (MSME), has been unveiled.
The portal which will primarily function as a tool for empowering the youth and women of the country, will also serve the general public . The desirous to serve start their own business or improve their businesses.
According to a statement by the founder, Mr. Adebola, the Nigeriasmehub.com website will serve as an online shopping mall with services finder (Yellow Pages), focus on different applications like cash flow management, invoice maker, business plan creator and more online training on business management, mentorship and business ideas
The portal will also provide benefits to its users such as information on how to start, manage, structure and grow a business, paying special attention to techniques that can be used to gain the upper hand in the business world
Besides, it will provide spotlights on products where users can upload their products and services to be viewed and ordered, provide Loans and startup capital to the tune of one million naira and fifty thousand naira respectively, as well as provide online business management certificate to users that get over 80 per cent in at least six of our online courses.
The portal will also contain Videos and podcasts of other SME owners and attended courses respectively, mentorship with experienced business owners to learn directly on how best to run a businessnetworking with other business owners, in addition to our online business directory and online home page adverts for registered businesses.