Community Health: Treatment, Diagnosis and Prevention



What Is Ebola?
Ebola virus disease is also known as Ebola hemorrhagic fever is a rare and deadly disease caused by infection with one of the Ebola virus species. Ebola can cause disease in humans and nonhuman primates (monkeys, gorillas, and chimpanzees).
Ebola hemorrhagic fever is a disease caused by one of five different Ebola viruses. Four of the strains can cause severe illness in humans and animals. The fifth, Reston virus, has caused illness in some animals, but not in humans.
Ebola could be considered moderately contagious, because the virus is not transmitted through the air.
Ebola viruses are found in several African countries. Ebola was first discovered in 1976 near the Ebola River in what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Since then, the current outbreak of the Ebola virus mainly affects four countries in West Africa: Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone. Around 27,000 cases and more than 11,000 deaths have been reported by the World Health Organization. This is the largest known outbreak of Ebola.
A person infected with Ebola virus will typically develop a fever, headache, joint and muscle pain.etc
Causes Ebola
The Ebola virus may have initially been transmitted to humans from bats. Derek Gatherer, a bioinformatics researcher at Lancaster University in the United Kingdom, told Live Science that there is a strong circumstantial case that says infection by bats is likely, but scientists haven't actually found strong evidence to support that hypothesis.
Though WHO agrees that bats may be carriers of Ebola, the organization says that Ebola was introduced into the human population through the secretions, blood, organs or other bodily fluids of many different infected animals. Other than bats, some of these animals include monkeys, chimpanzees, gorillas, forest antelope and porcupines.
Though WHO agrees person-to-person transmission occurs after someone infected with Ebolavirus becomes symptomatic. As it can take between 2 and 21 days for symptoms to arise, a person with Ebola may have had contact with hundreds of people, which is why an outbreak can be hard to control and may spread rapidly.
Transmission of Ebola between humans can occur in several ways, including through:
Other than bats, some of these animals include monkeys, chimpanzees, gorillas, forest antelope and porcupines.
Ebola tends to spread quickly through families and among friends as they are exposed to infectious secretions when caring for an ill individual. The virus can also spread quickly within health care settings for the same reason, highlighting the importance of wearing appropriate protective equipment, such as masks, gowns and gloves.7 Thorough sterilization and proper disposal of needles and syringes in hospitals is important in preventing further infection and halting the spread of an outbreak an outbreak.

Symptoms/Signs of Ebola
The symptoms start suddenly,between two and 21 days after becoming infected.