Nigeria Health & Lifstyle

Home Made Beauty Recipes

Do you know that you can create your own beauty regime in the comfort of your own home by simply taking a look at the things around your home especially your kitchen?
Here are some home-made beauy recipes you can make yourself that will enhance the beauty of your skin and make your complexion glow as well as save your and money.

1. To achieve that smooth and even complexion - Mix half a cup of cooked oatmeal with a table spoon of honey, then spread evenly around the face, then rinse off after 10mins. The oatmeal helps to exfiolate the face while the honey serves as moisturiser for the face.
2. To take out a pimple - put ice on the affected spot, then dab on it a plain white toothpaste, you can also use eyedrops as well to reduce the swelling and redness caused by the ice. You can also take out a pack of yeast mix with water to form a paste and dab on the pimple, this recipe kills bacteria and dries out the spot. To achieve the best result, it is advisable to apply it just before going to bed, so that the swelling will be gone by morning.

3. To cleanse your face - Dip a piece of cotton in a small bowl of cold unboiled milk and clean out the face gently, also around the neck and behind your ears- you will notice dirt on the cotton wool, change the cotton wool and continue cleaning in a circular upward movement until the cotton wool comes out clean.

4. Juice extracted from cabbage mixed with tablespoon of honey, with a small quantity of yeast is an excellent remedy for dry skin. Apply the paste on the face for 15 mins before rinsing

5. Lettuce juice mixed with the same quantity of rose water and a few drops of lime juice is an excellent remedy for oily skin

6. To make the skin around your shoulders and upper arms glow - break two eggs, remove the yolk boil the egg white in rose water for a few seconds then add a quarter teaspoon of alum powder and beat it together till mixture becomes fluffy. Apply mixture over your shoulder and upper arms and leave it for at least an hour for best results.

7. For smooth plum lips - apply vaseline on your old toothbrush and scrub the lips gently, it peels off the dead skin on the lips and moisturiseres it, it advisable to do this before going to bed.

8. To combat underarm odour - Dilute a little vinegar in water, dip a cotton swab into it and apply over the underarm ('arm pit') area. You can also use baking soda (not baking powder) water and apply also to the underarm region. Don't apply vinegar on freshly shaved skin to avoid sting.

9. Before tweezing your brows into shape, here are some tips to help you reduce the sting.- pluck your brows immediately after a hot shower, however if you are not using the shower just yet, apply a hot towel to your brows or steam the face, steaming softens the pores, so that the hair will come out easily without hurting much. After tweezing apply toner or astringent to the area to close the pores. you can also apply some calamine lotion to soothe the area.

10. Ice cold water can also serve as a good astringent and skin freshner because it helps to close the pores that where opened while cleasing. it tones the skin as well.

Patience Umoh ([email protected])
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