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On Page SEO: Keyword Density

Keyword density is basically the number of times your keyword appears in the web page. Keyword density was a key factor in search engine rankings in the early days of search engines before crooked webmasters started stuffing their pages with keywords, some invisible (by making the text colour same as page colour), so that human eyes do not get assaulted by the repetition while search engine crawlers will fall for the trick.
Keyword Density is still important but no where as important as it used to be.

As a general rule you should mention your keyword early and often, then a few times through the body of the text and then once again near the end. About 2% (1-3%) keyword density is a good figure to aim for if you really want too. If you just write around your topic or key phrase normally you should get pretty close to this figure. The idea is for it to read normally or naturally. The last thing you want is keyword stuffed text; otherwise you run the risk of being penalized for a too higher keyword density.

The frequency of keyword occurence on the page gives search engines an indication what the page is about. It may not be a key factor in the actual ranking, but you need to be in contention in the first place before you think about ranking high. Avoid the two extremes, a too light keyword density, and keyword spamming. Have keywords in mind while developing content for our web age

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