Nigeria Health & Lifstyle


... 4. Jeans:
Look out for a timeless pair, that never goes out of style-like blue jeans which can be worn with a dress shirt- this type of jeans is versatile and figure flattering too. Also the slightly faded blue jeans- is more casual than the dark blue jeans-looks cool when over a polo shirt with a pair of snickers.

Dirty denim jeans- these are usually faded brownish rust in color, or just plain dirty blue jeans. It is more stylish than the regular pair- but stands the test of time. Colored jeans like red and white are off limits.
ng-men jeans
Jeans generally are not so expensive, more importantly they are versatile - it can be worn around the house, to the office and to casual outings. It is a must have in your wardrobe. Get at least 3-4 pairs, look out for the one that fits properly, make sure the jeans is not too baggy or too tight.

To get the right length that is perfect for you, ensure that the jeans stops or falls on top of the shoes and goes a bit further and rest well on the sole of the shoes from your back view. If you get a pair that fits very well at the waist but appears to be longer, give it to a tailor to fix it for you.

Men's Accessories

The importance of accessories cannot be over emphasized.

Luckily for men, they don't need to invest in a dozen shoes as women do. Two or three pairs should do the trick. Two formal pair, one casual, and one pair of sneakers are all you really need. Invest well in your formal shoes. They may be expensive, but if you wear them well they can last and last.
There's just no excuse for wearing torn or worn out shoes. The keyword is quality over quantity; always have that at the back of your mind when doing your shopping.

Buy yourself a nice watch you can afford without creating a big dent in your savings. Once again, don't go in for something too flashy or too sporty. A simple watch with straight, classy lines should do the trick. If possible, avoid the leather strap and go for a silver strap.

Pleeeeease, no jewelleries! No gold chains or gold bracelets! I know most men are going to argue with me over this part, chunky jewelleries particularly around the neck, the wrist and the hand creates a sleazy impression about you; too much jewellery on a man is viewed as slick. If you're married, you're allowed a wedding ring, and cufflinks are fine.

Neckties are men's most prominent accessory. In professional settings, silk ties are preferable. The width tends to change with the times but generally should be in the medium range, not too narrow or too wide. Keep ties simple and basic. Don't go in for cartoon figures and the likes unless you want to look like a clown. If a certain style of tie is in fashion, get yourself one of those and wear it every once in a while.

The tie should accent, but not repeat the pattern or color of your suit. Power colors in neck ties - dark blue and maroon, red - can be very dominant. Ties should come down to your belt buckle, but not below it and certainly not two inches above!

A man's belt should be either black or brown and be without adornment. The belt should be three quarters of an inch wide, with a gold, silver, or brass buckle of equal width. With a suit, a man should wear thin dress socks. For more casual occasions, plain cotton socks that match shoes.


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