Nigeria Health & Lifstyle


A recurrent, throbbing, very painful headache, often affecting one side of the head and sometimes accompanied by vomiting or by distinct warning signs, including visual disturbances.
Symptoms: (1) A painful headache, often affecting one side of the head or the front head
If you are having these feelings then
Try this Natural therapy:


  • Ripe pawpaw seed
  • Sorrel Flower
  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Guinea Corn Straw(stem)

    How to prepare it
    Boil Sorrel, Garlic, Ginger and Guinea Corn straw together.(Blood Cleanser)  
    Eat two spoons of pawpaw seed and drink one cup of your blood cleanser, three times daily. For three days.

    Yoruba: Ori Tulu

    Eroja/Ohun Elo
    • Koro ibepe to ti pon
    • Isapa Pupa
    • Aayu
    • Atale
    • Poporo Oka baba
      Bi a o se se
        E se Isapa pupa,Aayu,Atale ati Poporo oka papo.(Ogun ti o ma n fo Eje)
        Lilo Re:
        E je Koro ibepe sibi meji, ki e si mu Ife Ogun ti o n fo eje kan si. Lemeta lojumo. Fun ojo meta.
        Note:If you try this prescription and there is no improvement, go and see your Doctor

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