- 1kg Bush meat
- 1kg Bush Meat (cut into 8 medium pieces)
- 1 medium size Smoked fish
- 1 medium mudu Palm fruit
- 1 medium bunch Erimonu or Shoko leaves
- 1 cake Ogili Igala
- 2 Seasonnig Cubes
- 2 tablespoon Crayfish (ground)
- 1 table spoon Dry Pepper (ground)
- Water(4 litres)
- Salt to taste

What you do
Wash the meat thoroughly and place in a large pot. Add some sliced onions,
ground pepper and some water. Place on heat and cook for 30 minutes. Wash and
boil the palm fruit till soft.

Strain off the water and pound till the fibre separates from the nut. Add the
2 litres of water and mix thoroughly and strain into a clean pot and boil the
extract for 5 minutes.

Add the meat, fish, crayfish and pepper, Stir and continue cooking for about
10 minutes. Add the ground Ogili Igala and cook for another 15 minutes till
the soup start thickening.

Pick, wash and shred the erimonu leaves add to the pot. Add seasoning Cubes, stir
and simmer for 5 minutes. Taste and add salt if necessary.

Serve with Eba or pounded yam.

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