Recipe for four servings


- 1kg Beef
- 1 medium size Dried fish
- 4 medium size Fresh pepper (ground)
- 2 bunches Kuka
- 2 cake Dawadawa
- 1 teaspoon Yaji
- A pinch of Potash
- 1 cooking spoon Oil (optional)
- 2 Maggi Cubes
- 1½ litre Water
- Salt to taste

What you do

Boil the beef for about 15 minutes. Add the fish, ground pepper and Yaji.Boil for about 10 minutes.

Add the ground Dawadawa. Cook for about 10 minutes. Add maggi cubes.Stir and add salt to taste.

Remove from fire allow cooling for 5 minutes. Then add the kuka and whisk thoroughly

Serve with Tuwo dawa.

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