Soybean Recipes


The soya bean or soybean, scientifically known as Glycine max, is a specie of legumes native to the Eastern Asia. It is found in varied sizes as well as seed coat colours, right from black, brown, blue, yellow or mottled.

In terms of nutritional value, soybeans have a rich nutrient content. Apart from being an excellent source of proteins, it also contains all the essential fatty acids, calcium, magnesium, lecithin, riboflavin, thiamin, fibre, folic acid and iron. Soybean is an excellent food for diabetic patients.

It is easily digested and is one of the most nourishing and body-building foods in the world. It is very good for growing children as it aids growth and development. Soybean has high lecithin content and is, therefore, excellent for claims that lecithin lowers blood cholesterol through emulsification of fat.

It has been proved valuable against the development and hardening of the arteries and all the complications of the heart, brain, kidneys and eyes that follow. As such, lecithin is best described as a brain food, a tonic and energiser.

Soybeans also contain the isoflavones genistein and daidzein, types of phytoestrogen, that are considered by some nutritionists and physicians to be useful in the prevention of cancer and by others to be carcinogenic and endocrine disruptive.

Soy's content of isoflavones are as much as 3 mg/g dry weight. Citation needed Isoflavones are polyphenol compounds, produced primarily by beans and other legumes, including peanuts and chickpeas.

Isoflavones are closely related to the antioxidant flavonoids found in other plants, vegetables and flowers. Isoflavones such as genistein and daidzein are found in only some plant families, because most plants do not have an enzyme, chalcone isomerase, which converts a flavone precursor into an isoflavone.

Soybeans are an important source of vegetable oil and protein worldwide. Soybean products are the main ingredients in many meat and dairy substitutes. They are also used to make soy sauce, and the oil is used in many industrial applications. Soybeans are an imperative source of vegetable oil and protein.

Most of the soy products act as perfect replacements for meat and dairy products specifically required for vegans and vegetarians. Soy protein qualifies as one of the cheapest form of dietary protein available.

Apart from the isoflavones, soybeans also contain some considerable amounts of alpha-linolenic acid and omega-6 fatty acid. While the isoflavones reduce the risk of developing certain cancers, protein helps in lowering cholesterol levels. The genistein, found in soybean, protects the body from the clutches of plague disease.

Nutritionists claim that 25 grams of soy protein a day, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease. One serving, (240 ml) of soymilk, for instance, contains 6 or 7 grammes of soy protein. Soybeans are the only common plant food that contain complete protein. Soybean provides all the essential amino acids in the amounts needed for human health. The amino acid profile of soy protein is nearly equivalent in quality to meat, milk and egg protein.

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