Ekpo is founded on the belief in life after death; and it is regarded as the soul or ghost of ancestors that return to the land of the living in masquerade form to participate with their kinsmen in communal festivals such as farming and rites of passage.
As a secret society, membership is strictly by initiation; hence, every aspect of Ekpo is designed to strike awe, fear and caution among women and non-initiates.In the pre- colonial era, Ekpo served as the government of the entire Akwa Ibom people performing such functions as judicial, administrative and religious duties.

In remembrance of the ancestors and gods of the land. A full month's celebration, this feast is associated with the Ikot Abasi, Mkpat Enin, Ibibio and Annang peoples in August.
Apart from the Ekpo, there are other related masquerades like Ekpe, Utuekpe, Ekpri Akata, Atat, Obon, Ntok Odio-Odio, Ekoong, Eka Ekpo, Akpan Ekpo, Okpo Record, Afai Ekpo, Nnabo, etc…