Ijebu Ode
Latitude: 6.8194 Lat (DMS) 6° 49' 10N
Longitude: 3.9173 Long (DMS) 3° 55' 2E
Elevation (Feet): 219
Population Est.(2006): 209,175
Zip Code: 120101
The name “Ijebu-Ode”, according to history, is a combination of the names of two persons namely, AJEBU and OLODE who were conspicuous as leaders of the original settlers and founders of the town. OLODE, was said to be a relative of OLU-IWA, the first Ruler of Ijebu. It is difficult to say for certain which of them {AJEBU and OLODE} preceded the other, but tradition has it that Ajebu, Olode and Ajana met on this land, which was uninhabited dense forest. They consulted Ifa Oracle to determine the actual spot on which each one should make his place of abode.. The Oracle directed that Ajebu should go and settle on a spot now known as IMEPE. OLODE and AJANA to remain together at a place known today as ITA AJANA.The grave of Ajebu is still marked by a tomb erected by his descendants at Imepe, near Oyingbo market on the Ejinrin Road. Olode's grave is also marked at Olode Street at Ita Ajana Quarter, Ijebu-Ode. The two persons more conspicuous among the original settlers being AJEBU and OLODE.The town derived its name from their names, hence "IJEBU-ODE."
Ijebu-Ode town was divided into two main wards namely, Iwade and Porogun. Iwade was divided into two -- Iwade Oke (also called Ijasi) and Iwade Isale; that is, Upper and Lower Iwade (North and South). By this division, there are three wards in Ijebu-Ode town.That was why the town was spoken of as "Iwade - Porogun, ljasi, Keta" unto this day: Iwade oke, lwade Isale and Porogun. Each . Ward was divided into QUARTERS known as "Ituns.” Iwade Oke has four quarters (Ituns); Iwade Isale has thirteen Ouarters (Ituns) and Porogun has eight Quarters (Ituns), making a total of twenty-five (25) Quarters. Each Quarter had its own Quarter Head, who was known as 'Oloritun" - the head man of the Quarter. All of them combined were spoken of, or referred to, as the 'Oloritun Medogbon" (twenty-five Olorituns-- Quarter Heads) and they constituted the ancient and traditional IJEBU-ODE TOWN COUNCIL.
Each Quarter Head represents and expresses the views of the people of his Quarter with whom he holds regular meetings to discuss matters affecting general public interest. The meetings also serve as tribunals in settling minor civil matters.
The traditional twenty-five Quarters of I Ijebu-ode are:
- Iwade Oke
- Ljasi
- Ita Ntebo
- Odo Egbo
- Ita Afin
- Iwade Isale
- Idomowo
- Lyanro
- Idele
- Imepe
- Ijada
- Ipamuren
- Ikanigbo
- Isoku
- Odo Esa
- Agunsebi
- Imupa
- Ita Ajana
- Porogun
- Idewon
- Mobayegun
- Mobegelu
- Ltalapo
- ldogi
- Isasa
- Idomowo
- Muja
- Ojofa
Traditional Rulers in Ijebu-Ode and its Environment
- The Orimolusi of Ijebu-Ode
- The Ebunmawe of Ago-Iwoye
- The Limeri of Awa
- The Alaporu of Ilaporu
- The Oloru of Oru-Ijebu
- The Sopenlukale of Oke Sopen
- The Bejeroku of Oke-Agbo
- The Olokine of Ojowo
- The Keegbo of Atikori
- The Abija Parako of Japara
Interest thins about Ijebu Igbo:
- Ijebu Igbo is the 2nd largest town in Ogun State in terms of LAND MASS, There are arable land for farming. Also there are hundreds of villages and hamlet under ijebu igbo.
- Majority of the people in the rural area of the town engaged in farming.GARI PRODUCTION,BANANA, PALM-OIL, COCOA, COLA NUT, ORANGE,BAMBOO STICK etc are some of the produce that we produce in Ijebu Igbo.
- Ijebu igbo is the one of the originators of butcher business known as "ALAPATA". Ijebu igbo is one of the major distributor/supplier of cow meat to Epe, Aja, Sagamu and all other towns within and around Ijebu land.
- People come from other towns to buy cow meat in Ijebu igbo because we are blessed with professional Butchers.
- Ijebu igbo has over 30 ponmo making industry known as "BUKA"... Also Ijebu Igbo is the major supplier of PONMO to Lagos state, Oyo state and wide distribution within Ogun state. Ijebu igbo is the home of PONMO IJEBU
- Ijebu igbo is d home of spiritualist; Ijebu igbo is blessed with hundreds of spiritualists. CLERIC, ALFAS,PASTORS HERBALIST, TRADITIONALIST. They are capable of handling any spiritual problem if they are consulted. though, there are fake among them, but if u need the real and original ones among them, u will get them.
- Ijebu Igbo is the home of Scholars; I appreciate ourfore-fathers and our fathers for that.... They dont go to school but they try all their best to educate their children both male and female and its a great honour for the town. As at now, a family will have atleast a GRADUATE in their family.
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