
4 Ways To Make Your Smartphone Charger Last Longer

Chargers are the most necessary smartphone accessories that we can’t do without but sometimes the chargers don’t even last up to 2 months before it develops issues.It’s either you have to bend the cord in order for your device to charge or the cord has simply stopped responding, it could even be charging extremely slowly.

It could even be worse ; it got burnt. In any way, there are different ways to make your charger last longer.

1.Use A Surge Protector
Surge protectors are not too expensive. These devices will help keep your charger and other home appliances safe when the Electricity Company decides to play games with your electricity.

During current fluctuations it makes you very sure that nothing will get damaged as the surge protector will handle it effectively and if anything should get damaged, it’s the surge protector that’ll get spoilt first which saves you from buying another charger. Surge protectors normally cost between N850 – N6000 depending on the type you can afford. I’d advise that you don’t be a cheapskate and go for the cheapest one because you won’t like the outcome definitely. You can get the ones from N1500 and above.

2.When Charging Don’t Stretch The Charger Too Much

The essence of this is to actually protect your charging port. This happened to me once and I felt like crying. It spoilt my charging port. If you are charging your phone in a public place like a barber’s shop, don’t let your cord stretch across the whole place.

Someone may just walk across the shop and unknowingly match the cord and different things could happen. Your charger will definitely get weak because of this. Something worse could even happen like your charging port spoiling or your phone flying off your hands and smashing it’s screen.

3.Always Unplug Your Charger From The Head
Never grab your charger by its cord and try to unplug it that way. It may work, and it may just seem like you aren’t really doing any damage, but over time the tension will cause irreparable internal damage.

4.Always Keep It Dry

Always keep it away from sources of water. Don’t charge in your kitchen, don’t charge in your bathroom, and always clean spills right away. If you follow these four rules, you’ll be able to use your charger for quite a long time.

My Recommendation
If you want your Android smartphone to charge fast, I think you should get a Blackberry Playbook charger

Another recommendation from an ardent reader if u want a good charger, try going for a samsung (2A output) fast charger. Most people dont know this, different chargers comes with different output. Some with 1A, 1.5A and 2A. Thats why some phones charge fast with a 1A output while some wont. Some my own recommendation for a samsung user, go for a 2A output fast charger. However shine ur eyes make our brothers from the yeast no sell u fake



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