We’re most people have heard of baking soda. It’s one of those common products that can be found in the kitchen cabinets in all the homes across the globe. We use it for baking purposes (obviously) but most people don’t know that it has alternate usages too. Listed below are 5 ways you can use baking soda for beauty purposes.
Do you feel guilty spending money on those feet cares at salons? Well, with baking sodas, you can do it for almost free. It is a very simple procedure but the results are greatly satisfying. Use 2 to 3 tablespoons of baking soda and mix it with luke warm water. Now soak your feet in this solution for 15 to 20 minutes. Use a paste of baking soda to scrub your feet and watch as the dead cells fall off. If you want, you can add drops of essential oils too for a more pleasing scent.
A broad smile can be very attractive but yellow teeth may make people run in the opposite direction as soon as you grin! You can use baking soda to make your smile more attractive and your teeth whiter. Mix 6 teaspoons of baking soda, a third teaspoon of salt and 4 teaspoons of glycerin. Mix this solution with 15 drops of breath freshening oil such as peppermint and then brush your teeth with it. You will have whiter teeth, a fresher breath and you’ll be able to smile with more confidence!
Didn’t have time to wash your hair this morning.. or ahem.. this week!? You can use baking soda to remove the oily look of your hair. How? You need to sprinkle 1 or 2 tablespoons of baking soda onto the roots of your hair. Then massage the roots of your hair using this powder and finally use a bushy brush to get rid of the powder and the grease off your hair. This is like a dry version of shampooing your hair that is guaranteed to give you instant cleanliness. Give it a try.
Have you seen those fancy face masks they apply on your face at the salon? Why not make one of your own? It’s really not that difficult a process. You need one part of baking soda and two parts of oatmeal. Add a few drops of honey to the mixture and enough water to thicken the mixture to the point that it becomes a paste. Make sure you crush the products properly before adding the water. Apply this mixture onto your face and then rinse it afterwards with water to get a cleaner, clearer looking face.
All the ladies out there are applying makeup every day and that is pretty good to see. But it is important to remove the makeup at night otherwise, it can react with your skin overnight and cause all sorts of problems. Add a few drops of water to the baking soda and apply it on your face using your hands. Scrub your face properly and then wash it off. Make sure you don’t let the mix enter your eyes as that can be pretty painful. Using baking soda as a makeup removal tool is a very effective method and allows you to easily wipe away the makeup after a long tiring day at work.
Source: http://dailyentertainment.me