
30-Minute walking workouts that burn more fat than A Yoga Class

Rooted in Hindu philosophy, yoga seeks to join the mind, body and spirit. But many classes these days make the practice more about the workout than the mental health benefits. If burning kilojoules is what you’re really after, why not save that money you’d spend at a studio and try going for a walk, instead? 

Whether you need a break from your mat or just prefer changing scenery, these three walking working will burn just as many kilojoules as your go-to hatha yoga classes – and offer a different peace of mind. 

Photograph courtesy of Brook Benten

Workout #1: Cadence Walking

The inspiration: All about proper alignment of the body, Iyengar yoga incorporates props such as chairs, pillows, blankets and belts to accommodate people of all needs. The practice works traditional poses into fluid sequences. A walking workout that may feel similar to this style is cadence walking.

How to do it: Set a metronome to 134 beats-per-minute, or download fitness music at approximately this beat or search streaming services like Spotify for BPM-specific playlists to power your walking workout. Walk for two minutes, taking a step on every downbeat. After those two minutes, perform one minute of squats to the beat. Repeat 10 total rounds of walking and squats for a 30-minute workout. Embrace your surrounding environment, and try to clear your head.


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