Nyinya (Umilin) Festival

Nyinya (Umilin) Festival

Nyinya is the Tiv name for horse. The horse found its way into Tiv Land in the wake of a conflict with the Jukun and the Hausa. The horse was initially used by these tribes in Warfare and later as a means of conveyance in peaceful times.

To the Tiv, the horse was neither of these. To own a horse meant that one was rich “Dzege”. The owner would therefore show it round to his age mates with the intent of proving he was doing well, therefore when one bought a horse, an age mate or an Anigba would throw a feast for him.

There would be much drinking, dancing and general merriment. The owner would mount his horse and treat the crowd to daring displays of expertise in horse-riding. Money and especially livestock are presented to the “Tor Nyinya”. The festival is held as often as a horse was bought.

Nyinya (Umilin) Festival