Odumu Festival Benue State

Odumu Festival

This is masquerade dance festival. It is common amongst Idoma people. The name translates to ‘lion’. In effect Odumu dance and the entire festivities are centred on animal superiority, dignity and majesty that are attributed to the lion or king of the animals as it is referred. Here the lion is qualitatively ascribed with aggression, physical prowess and with majesty.These are supposed to be the qualities that the Idoma people cherish in men.

Odumu festival therefore is a post-expedition triumph dance staged primarily by hunters in their hunting groups to capture the essence of their supposed warlike nature or agility. It is important to note that the hunters do not willfully go out to hunt lions, rather they try to symbolize the joy a lion would demonstrate after a successful hunting expedition since they feel victorious as the lion would after its hunt.

The performance of the festival has no associated taboos except the ones the people usually carry out on the hunting ground prior to the festival. It can be organized at any time of the year.

Odumu Festival