
8 things to do while you are looking for a job

Looking for a job is a stressful situation, regardless of the conditions which have taken you down that road. You might have lost your job because of an economic crisis, or you might have outgrown your current role. Or perhaps you are dissatisfied with the conditions that your employer offers. Whatever the reason, you are ready to start a new chapter of your life.


Still employed?

Looking for a new job while being employed puts you in a much stronger position, avoiding financial and psychological stress. This results in better performance at interviews and increases your chances of getting hired. However, there are a few things you can do to make your search even more efficient and successful.


  1. Ask for confidentiality

As well as doing your online job search, you are likely to mention your plans to friends, family, co-workers, and potential employers. Ask them to keep this information to themselves because you wouldn’t want to spoil the relationship with your current employer and jeopardise your work situation.


  1. Spruce up your media presence

Whether you love it or hate it, social media plays a huge role in job-hunting for those looking for work and employers alike. While it is good to keep personal and work life separate, it is important to have an active social media presence. There are professional platforms dedicated to connecting people in the same industry, which may lead to interesting collaborations. Here is where you showcase what you have done, what you can do, and what you would like to do – don’t be afraid to promote yourself.

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  1. Show and tell

Connected to the previous point, one of the best ways to demonstrate your skills is to show your portfolio. If you are changing careers altogether, consider taking on some unpaid work. This will give you the chance to advertise your work and promote your talent.


  1. Update your CV

It should be obvious, but the CV that you had a few years ago might not reflect your experience anymore. Remember to include any relevant courses you might have attended, in-person or online, or any skill that you might have learnt in less traditional, yet practical ways. Have you worked as a volunteer? Think about what transferable skills that experience has taught you that can be applied to the job you want to do.


In between jobs

While this situation can put a lot of pressure on you and your family, it’s not the right time to despair. In fact, as well as the points mentioned above, there’s plenty more you can do to increase your chances of getting hired.


  1. Professional development

While you’re between jobs, you have the advantage of having time on your hands – use it wisely! Thanks to modern technology there are endless opportunities to expand your knowledge, learn new skills, and develop existing ones without leaving the comfort of your own home. Long gone are the days when in-person courses were considered more reputable than those delivered online. Nowadays, the education system worldwide has embraced the power of e-learning. You’ll be pleased to see how many courses are available for free or at very low prices.

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  1. Consider a change

You might be looking for the same kind of work you’ve always done because it’s within your comfort zone, but is it really what you want? Do you have a life-long passion? Why not turn it into your dream job? Many people have taken the plunge and re-invented themselves. This is quite a common background story for those who have become teachers of English as a foreign language (TEFL) and changed their whole life around, not just the professional aspect of it. If you are interested in learning more about TEFL teaching, read this awesome blog post on how to do teach English abroad.


  1. Network

This is probably the most overlooked strategy to find a job. Perhaps it might be awkward at times, but attending events with people you hardly know is an effective way to put yourself out there and meet new people. Who knows, you might end up bumping into your future employer or business partner! Look out for events that interest you in your area – it’s worth investing time on networking.


  1. Enjoy your free time

It might sound silly, but you won’t have this much free time when you’re employed, so you might as well enjoy it. Although job hunting takes a lot of your time and effort, remember to set some time aside everyday to do something you love – meeting friends and family, practicing sport, watching your favourite series, walking in the countryside, window shopping. This will keep your spirits high and, as you probably already know, positive feelings attract positive things!

Also Read:  How to write an Application Letter for a job in Nigeria


All in all

Job hunting is often frustrating and it can be more or less stressful, depending on your circumstances. However, your ideal job is unlikely to appear right before your eyes without putting in any effort. From revamping your CV to honing new skills, there are many things to do to make yourself more employable.

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