
Our modern times ask for modern-day Role Models

Who is your role model in life? Is it a singer or a DJ? An Instagram model or a YouTube star? A Kpop singer or a politician? Or maybe a great personality who left his or her footprint on the overall development of human society?

Today, young people are often mistakenly choosing their role models. And who would blame them? The majority of the news outlets they come across will endlessly churn out news about celebrities, politicians, and people doing often insane things to get their 15 minutes of fame.

It is easy to be blinded by the glitter of fame, especially when being in the center of attention is seen as something desirable. But the people the press talks about the most are not the right role models for youngsters, considering that it talks about them for all the wrong reasons – because of their scandals and such, instead of their achievements and values.

There are, in turn, people who are always in the center of attention despite their lives being free of scandals and such. I’m sure you’ve often stumbled upon articles listing a few fascinating facts about Elon Musk, too. He is one of the innovators who is often in the focus of the media despite living a scandal-free life: he is talked about because of his innovative ideas, brave business decisions, and bold plans to make the world a better place. And he is one of the few people who would make great role models for the generations to come.

Are scientists and innovators the only role models of the right kind in front of our times’ youngsters? Luckily, they are not. There are many personalities who have reached a celebrity status in the “usual” way – through social media or music – and using their fame and fortune to do good in the world.

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One of the best examples would be rapper Akon who blasted into the charts a few years ago with his song “Smack That”, instantly becoming a celebrity. What few people know about him is that he spent a good part of his fortune (and a lot of his fame) on an initiative meant to bring electricity to 600 million people in Africa. He funded the opening of something called the “Solar Academy” in Bamako, Mali, meant to educate engineers to produce solar power to the continent that averages 230 sunny days each year.

Choosing a role model is pretty hard – even the most excellent people have their share of flaws. The most important part is for the youngsters to choose a role model for the right reasons – and for these reasons not to be fame and fortune.

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