“How many times have you sat down and wrote out resolutions; and for some reason or another, those resolutions seemed to disappear as the New Year came and went? Well, this year, you can make a positive impact on your life and turn your resolutions into genuine reality!”
How many times have you sat down and wrote out resolutions; and for some reason or another, those resolutions seemed to disappear as the New Year came and went? Well, this year, you can make a positive impact on your life and turn your resolutions into genuine reality!
The secret to keeping your New Year’s resolutions is to rely on your intuition and allow positive energy that flows from within to guide you in your journey toward wealth, health and prosperity. Be prepared and know that blessings will come to you when you are ready to receive them. It’s not rocket science, and it doesn’t take millions of dollars to realize your goals. It’s all in the planning, and the follow-through.
Just like any well-planned trip, you have to mentally and emotionally prepare yourself for your journey. Have you written down your resolutions yet? If not, it’s time to take out a pen and paper and write down the top 10 aspirations you would like to achieve this coming year. Go out on a limb and write down your goals as you would like to receive them. For example, if having a more rewarding career is most important to you, then place this goal at the top of your list. Look at it. Study it. Picture that goal in your mind. Got it? Now, move on down your list. What’s next on your agenda? A possible love relationship? Repeat what you have just done with your number one priority: write it down, look at it and visualize it being there right in front of you. Do this with everything you would like to attain in this coming year.
Okay, you’ve written down all your goals; you’ve read them back to yourself and you’ve visualized what you want – so now what? The hard part has already been done – you’ve made a pact with yourself and your intuition to lead you in the right direction toward manifesting wealth and prosperity. Once you allow your intuition to guide you, the rest will come to you. How so? You see, the first steps to achieving success in this New Year are laid out before you. You have created your own roadmap to fulfilling your destiny; and believe it or not, if you follow your intuitive map, you will attain the rewards that you have planned for yourself.
The next plan of action is to act on these goals. Easier said then done, you say? Well, if you’ve uttered those four words, then you’ve stepped off your roadmap and you’ve stopped listening to your intuition. Stop. Breathe. Get back onto your intuitive map, which you’ve created for yourself and follow its lead. Look at your goals and get a sense of purpose for those goals.
Ask yourself the five following questions:
Why is this goal important to me?
What do I need to do to turn this goal into a reality?
How can I achieve this goal?
What steps can I take to ensuring a positive outcome?
Is there anything that I can do right this moment to set my plan into action?
Now that you’ve explored these questions, and have looked within your intuitive self for the right answers, it’s time to follow your instinct, your Inner Intelligence. If your New Year’s quest is to find true love, you CAN and WILL discover your better half in 2008. The wheels have already been put into motion, and once destiny’s wheels have begun to spin, there’s no turning back…that is, unless you sabotage yourself. Now, more than ever, you can turn this year into winning opportunities for yourself and your life. By facilitating your intuition, you can transform your life by reinventing ways and means to manifest the success that you so desire. Climb onboard your intuitive train, allow your Inner Intelligence, Your Inner Wisdom to work for and with you and follow the journey to your hearts desires; the tracks have already been laid.